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Monday, August 27, 2007
+ wa... kena sabo by 5hyan +
Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged needs to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly. 6 weird things
Sabo 6 weird stuff from 6 weird ppl 1. Marilvyn
Saturday, August 11, 2007
+ Rag Day +
when darkness turns to light... it ends tonight why did stupid NUSSU decide to hold things at the Padang? is NUS is such dire need of publicity? logistical nightmare here we come. At least we can grab a supper in town i guess. The KR float will devour all other floats. its massive, even by my standards, and i've worked on 2 previous Rag Days, both with FASS. final sprint before another lull. cheers! *raises wine glass with paint stains*
Thursday, August 09, 2007
+ fucking tired +
fwoc has been closed. but guess i'll still be busy till Rag Day, 11 Aug. been a fulfilling couple o' weeks 1. got to know many new friends, seniors and freshies alike 2. participated in Flag Day, did my part for charity. the freshies obviously poured their heart n souls out for it. i feel like a slacker compared to them, but thats just fine with me. 3. met up with the Parablers again tonite. Skipped a Rag Day rehearsal for it. Yup. we had planned it a month ago. I wouldnt have missed it just to take another hall arrow in the chest. These are where my priorities lie. looks like we'll be working on a film again. by right, i shld be enthu and raring to go. This is livin my dream. why do i feel so fucking tired? 4. finally had a good sleep today, woke up at 11am. its 12.40am now. still quite early. but i feel fucking tired. i feel squeezed and squished by the banality of life. Its anti-climaxes, its temporary joys, its conflicts and suffering which lead on to really... who knows where?... tired of stupid details and a myriad of different stories which make up my existence. A tirade of stories of that won't serve any purpose if made public. Thus better left off as untold. i remember when i was a quiet wallflower. its boredom and solitude. i had swore off those days forever. no, i do not think of those days fondly. but these new days, once in awhile, i have this free time to myself, and end up feeling fucking tired. one day at a time. i have filled room A414 with knick knacks, gadgets, gimmicks, sustenance and art... to make it feel like home... but all i feel is alone. head tells me God is here with me. Dear God... is everything going according to your plan?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
+ Dating updates +
I can't believe it. I was barely gone for half an hour at a meeting, suddenly my mystery suitor had upped the ante! all within the space of a day of her first present! letter n chocolates!! new decor on my door!! i was lugging freebies back to my room from the lounge so i took the rear staircase. Apparently it took her "look-out" frens entirely by surprise. I barely caught a glimpse of her b4 her look-outs sounded the alarm. Seeing their shocked faces was a hilarious tho... too bad they beat a hasty and embarrassing retreat b4 i could catch up... *freebies in tow* sooo sweet... this is gettin outta hand. I get competitive over these kinda things. I'm supposed to be the impressive one. But she has beaten me to it. I stand impressed. time to scheme up a killer way to reciprocate. cheers! *raises wine glass*
Monday, August 06, 2007
+ livin for the weekend +
spent saturday at sentosa gettin my ass baked to a crispy golden brown... ok maybe i shall spare everyone the details. either way, it was damn fun making the freshies do silly games. A-block won the "Best Drag Queen Award"... yet again... i'll upload the pics when i can... and no, the drag queen wasn't me. The funniest part is that historically, A-block has won this dubious award for 5 consecutive years running. Another funny part is, one of the contestants has sexier legs than most girls i know. its freaking me out. you could literally hear girls whispering: "OMG! his legs are hotter than mine!". AND he was wearing fish-net stockings!!!... and maybe i shall once again spare everyone the (grisly) details. The worst part is, HE STAYS ON MY LEVEL!! AAAAAHHHHH!!! i think i shall invest in a huge new lock for my door. The kind they use in nuclear silos... ---------------------------------- sunday turned out great too. i attended a talk on creationism. it totally blew me away. I had studied "chemistry in space", so i pretty much know in layman terms the fundamentals of the Big-Bang Theory, evolution, the size of the expanding universe and the like... havin said that, i really didn't buy the idea that the universe could be created in 6 days. I had always said that God used the forces of physics to create everything in 6 epocs, spanning around 14billion years... thus reconcilling the Bible and science... becos "in the eyes of God, a thousand years is a day, and a day is a thousand years"... God isn't bound by the limits of human time. Then suddenly this guy comes all the way from Australia (Gary Bates - Head of Creation Ministries International - Aus) with actual scientific proof that the world was created in 6 days, that humans walked with dinosaurs, and that radio-carbon dating methods on fossils are horrendously inaccurate. All i had learnt was blown outta da water. Praise God that the miracle of creation is actually a whole lot younger than i had imagined... 10,000 years old at max. I held him back for a good 20mins after the talk to question him. And every evidence i put forward had a very logical and scientifically-sound answer. Its astounding that our science will soon understand the truth of God's creation. Hopefully i'll see the day that the Big Bang Theory and Evolution Theory become obsolete. hell, for me, i knew for certain God had a plan and a special place for mankind in this universe, but i so wanted to understand the processes that God used, that i had always explained it in terms i could understand to be true. Now i find that God's literal truth in the Bible is still the most accurate account. a mere 6 days. and on the 7th, He rested. And thus we have the working week and the weekend. YAY!! WEEKEND!!! i always believed that faith had to be questioned before exercised. A mind which fails to inquire is susceptible to being taken advantage of. Its great that i serve a God who answers those who seek. Creation Ministries International ------------------------------------------ Monday. Typically, this day usually gets me on a downer. However, things are still lookin up. 1. I won the bidding war for SC2214 (sociology of mass media n culture). 15 ppl bidding for 4 vacancies. the downside is nick n jason suddenly got cold feet and left to do geography 101. bleah. whoever wants to challenge me for modules better be prepared to slug it out. Program Acc: 2104 General Acc: 1989 you will lose... My CORS points will blot out the sun!!! 2. speaking of bids, looks like someone's finally bidding to date me for formal dinner... sooooo cute! i found this on my bed today when i came back to hall... its a... lemme guess... a little balloon man fishing! so suggestive... hmmm... not sure who to reply to tho... cos the card was signed-off as "S.E."... (why do they always play hard-to-get?) hahhaha... quite lucky i left my room unlocked over the weekend, cos it got better... our mystery suitor actually arranged my bed! i've never EVER seen it this neat! its almost a shame i'll be sleepin in it... thus now the present shall take a special place in my room now whoever wants to date me will have to beat this performance! hahaha! (now i know what it feels like to be a hot chick :P) on the other hand, i hope she didn't see anythin in my room which might be scandalous... :P cheers to one helluva weekend! on to Flag Day tml! *raises wine glass*
Friday, August 03, 2007
+ FWOC-ed up +
im a full time councilor (FTC) in FWOC, freshman welcome orientation camp for KR hall. i have exactly 20mins left to post this before i have to run off to the next program, freshman graduation bbq... i am suffering from lack-of-sleep-induced-high... and no freshie has asked me out for a date yet... damn... so behind schedule... hahhaha! a typical FWOC-ing day starts at 7.30am and ends at 3-4am... i am on day 6 and running... throat as dry as a sand bucket after cheer number 200,837... i swear, one day im gonna look back at my uni life and wonder when did my sanity go AWOL. :P ok... time up! 3 cheers! (more cheers??) ian |
last update Oct 2007 |
A Sticky Affair
Shoes Anonymous Showhand Indian Thriller with English Lyrics Idlewild - American English Animaniacs - A Midsummer Night's Dream |